Falling in Love with Mexico

It all began when I decided to move to Mexico with my son to live with our family there.

We bought a car and travelled all over, visiting each state and exploring the amazing beaches and mountains.

We fell in love with the people, the food, the margaritas and of coarse all of the artisan products that were unique to each state we visited.

In Michoacan I bought my first pair of huaraches and from then on there was no turning back. I lived in them, wearing them literally every day, all day, walking the streets, the beaches and getting caught in the rain.

They never failed me, in fact, under all the wear and tear I was putting them through they only became more comfortable, because, these hand made leather shoes mold to your feet with every wear. They are also super light weight and breathable, making them the perfect shoe for our hot Australian summers.

I contacted a manufacturer and ordered some samples from them for my whole family so that I could get some good feedback and make sure that I didn’t just ‘fluke it’ with my original shoes.

The results were in and everyone loved the huaraches!

I was sold. I went on to their website while speaking to their team in my broken Spanish (it’s a working progress) but thank goodness for my Mexican sister in law and google translator because with no hassle at all I had done my first order.

We are hoping to continue supporting the local artesian men and woman in Mexico who have had this beautiful tradition handed down from generation to generation while also supplying the people of Australia with these amazing sandals.

Happy Shopping. x